As I write this at Super Bowl halftime, the cheeseheads are ascendant.
Like many of you, I’m glued to our yearly ritual.
After today’s game, the players union and the owners still face a standoff over the future of the game. Will players be forced into concessions? More games?
My law partner Michael Gerson represents quite a few NFL players. Our office has seen first hand the physical and mental sacrifices some of these players make.
Even a casual observer of today’s game had to have noticed a number of players going off the field to the locker room after injuries. Charles Woodson is out.
This year there’s been a growing chorus of concern about player injuries, particularly concussions. Players are bigger and evidence is mounting over some of the game’s effects.
Does football have a future?
That’s the question posed by Ben McGrath, writing in The New Yorker.
It’s a question being raised despite the sport’s incredible popularity. In a piece in today’s San Francisco Chronicle, Al Saracevic muses on whether football will fall out of favor like boxing.
Here’s the link to the Ben McGrath piece: … ntPage=all
This follows a piece by Malcolm Gladwell in The New Yorker, “Offensive Play: How Different are Dogfighting and Football?”: … t_gladwell
Here’s a link to my piece written several years ago, “Football’s Walking Wounded”: … 202-073901
And here’s a link to my 2007 piece on “Pro Football Player Injuries”: … 204-124330
Stay tuned.
Julius Young
Category: Political developments