Workers Comp Zone


Costa is coming. Costa 2 to be exact.

Workers’ comp practitioners have been waiting for months for the statewide Workers Compensation Appeals Board to issue “Costa 2”. “Costa
1″ indicated that the workers’ compensation permanent disability rating schedule is rebuttable with vocational expert testimony in some cases. But the loser in Costa appealed. And Costa 1 gave little guidance as to how and when this type of testimony will be handled.

Yesterday in remarks to a San Francisco meeting of the California Applicants Attorneys Association, WCAB commissioner Alfonso Moresi noted that a decision on Costa 2 will be unveiled within the next several weeks.

I’ll be covering that.

Moresi also noted that the WCAB will be starting deliberations on the Boughner case. Boughner involves a challenge to the entire current rating schedule that was adopted in 2005.

For some background on these issues, see my earlier post on Boughner by clicking here:

And for some thoughts on Costa 1 and the Magana case that followed it, click here: … 803-162538

Stay tuned. In my next entry I’ll be covering the top 10 developments in workers’ compensation during the 3rd quarter of 2007. You can receive
links to the blog via RSS feed by using the RSS buttons on the lower right menu bar.

Julius Young

Category: Understanding the CA WC system